Smart drug Gold Rush full of natural energy

by Team Inc.

24-07-2020-Smartdrug Gold Rush full of natural energy

The smart drug gold rush is a legal remedy for those who can use a pepper. The agent is a mix of kanna (sceletium tortuosum), caffeine and natural aroma. Sniff it up and enjoy the gold rush.

The smart drug is popular because it gives a lot of energy and therefore does well at parties and festivals. You can also easily take the drug. Lay a line and then sniff it up with a tube or note of money. Think of the use of cocaine, but a lot less intense. It is therefore also used to get rid of cocaine.

Learn to dose

Of course it is a bit of a search for the right dose to experience the effect you want. As a rule of thumb you can use that 25-50 mg is a low dose 50-60 mg is a normal dose and 100+ mg is a lot. The unique thing about the remedy is that it stimulates in the beginning and it relaxes for an hour. That is the effect of the Kanna in the waist. In addition to an increase in libido, the drug can also make you enjoy the moment you are in.

The drug appears to be harmless, but can be with too high a dose or in combination with other drugs. Sceletium toruosum is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). This drug is often used for depressive mood complaints, anxiety and panic attacks. Therefore, it should not be used in conjunction with other SSRIs. Think Prozac and other antidepressants. Do not mix it with Monamine Axidase inhibitors such as Peganum harmala, Banisteriopsis caapi, passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) and yohimbe. Are you hypersensitive to caffeine? Then this is also not the solution for you.

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