The difference between indica and sativa?

by Team Inc.

2022-02-18-The difference between indica and sativa

Consuming cannabis is becoming more and more accepted in society. Both the use of medicinal and recreational cannabis is still legalized in many countries † Because cannabis is of interest in both the scientific and economic worlds, legal cannabis shops have more information and a wider variety of cannabis strains to offer to their customers.

Many cannabis users have heard the terms indica and sativa, but what do they actually mean? What are the differences between strains of the cannabis plant, and how do you choose one over the other?

Physical differences between tribes

A cannabis shop, such as Canna Cabana, usually lists the species of the plant used for their cannabis products. Even without this information, if you've ever seen a cannabis plant, the physical differences between cannabis strains are obvious. This applies to the two most established strains: Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica.

➔ Cannabis Sativa: Tall and slender plants with lean, long and light green leaves
➔ Cannabis Indica: Short and Bushy Plants with Shorter, Broad and Dark Green Leaves
If you can determine whether a cannabis plant is indica or sativa, you can deduce from its shape what types of compounds it primarily has and thus what effect consuming the plant's products will have on you.


Cannabis plants have compounds called cannabinoids. Scientists have identified more than 100 of them. The two best-known cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). The two cannabinoids are more dominant in one strain or the other.


THC is the psychoactive component in cannabis plants. This effect can be influenced by some of the other cannabinoids, but without the right amount of THC there is usually no 'high'. Countries that criminalize the use of recreational cannabis will not allow cannabis products with THC content to be sold on the market.

For example, every cannabis derivative legally available (outside of medicinal use) in Germany has a THC percentage of less than 0,2%. Anything above this percentage is considered a narcotic and is therefore illegal.


Typically, these products with less than 0,2% THC are promoted as CBD. While many other cannabinoids are present in the plant, even with the THC removed, CBD becomes the most prominent because its effect is better known than other cannabinoids. The CBD cannabis does not induce a high, but many people use it for its supposed positive effects on anxiety, mood disorders, pain and insomnia.

Choose a species

De origin of cannabis is still a subject of research. The same goes for the actual contents of the plant and the way their compounds work in the human body. Genetically, the different types of a cannabis plant are more or less the same. Scientists claim that the cannabinoids and terpenes present in different strains are the reason for their different effects. These are the most common classifications:

  • Indicates
    Indica has a higher CBD content than sativa cannabis. Consuming indica will give you a more relaxed body high. It relieves pain and tension and helps with insomnia. When you think of the stereotypical “stoned” high, indica is the origin.
  • Sativa
    Sativa has a higher THC percentage. It is usually more energetic and mood elevating. Sativa products are the right choice for someone who wants to get into a creative flow. It is said to help with mood disorders, headaches and nausea.
  • hybrids
    Breeders have grown different strains to contain more THC or CBD than others. When one component is more prevalent than the other, it is considered an indica or sativa dominant strain.
    Strictly speaking, every cannabis plant has a bit of both. Any of these mixed plants that are not dominant indica or sativa are considered hybrids. The resulting products usually reflect the ratio. A hybrid strain can give the consumer a nice balance between the mentioned effects of sativa or indica plants.
  • Ruderalis
    Ruderalis is not normally a cannabis plant that you would consume. It has low levels of both THC and CBD. However, it blooms quite efficiently and reproduces easily. This is why many growers use Cannabis ruderalis to grow their own hybrids with sativa or indica plants.


Cannabis has different strains. Their content determines how they will affect our bodies. If you're looking for a creative high high, then sativa is the plant for you. If you want to relax and fight insomnia, look for an indica strain. Hybrids are a good alternative and can combine the positive effects of both. Which one a person prefers can only be found out by trying different types. A good seller will list the contents of their products to help you choose.

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