Top 7 ways to reduce stress and feel better

by druginc

2022-04-12 - Top 7 ways to reduce stress and feel better.jpg

Stress is common in our society and many things are a potential source of stress. People often have no control over the source of stress, such as family, relationship, economy, tasks and more. But if left unchecked, stress can be the basis for many chronic health problems such as depression, high blood pressure, stroke, and aches and pains.

This calls for the development of a healthy and reliable coping mechanism. In other words, while you may not be able to avoid stress, you can build your resilience so that it doesn't affect you. This boils down to creating various stress-reducing techniques that make it easy to deal with.

While some people resort to withdrawal, alcohol, or binge eating to deal with stress, these approaches are not sustainable. Also, there are many side effects of such a coping mechanism. This article will shed light on reliable ideas for coping with stress that will also make you feel better. Here are seven reliable stress-reducing techniques:

Consider high-quality weed

When consumed in low doses, cannabis help to reduce stress, and it will not affect your mental faculties. Cannabis can support mental health in many ways, and stress reduction is just one of them.

However, the relaxation-enhancing effect of cannabis depends on low doses. In excessive doses, cannabis can cause the opposite effect. Weed can reduce depression and improve mood, depending on the specific strain.

You can also make sure that you best gelato cookies from reputable suppliers to enjoy the stress-relieving effect.

Go outside

Research shows that vitamin D from the early morning sun can keep your feel-good hormone in tip-top shape. Indeed, spending time in nature is accompanied by an automatic state of mind and a mental boost.
In other words, taking a walk through the woods, watching the birds sing and feeling the breeze on your skin can improve your mood. In general, getting outside and spending time in nature can help manage anxiety and stress levels.

This explains why experts advise people to have different houseplants when going outside is not possible.


One of the reasons for stress is when you worry about things you have no control over. This could be things that have happened in the past, or an upcoming event, such as a presentation at work.
Meditation is a reliable tool to reduce stress and bring the mind to the moment. The idea behind meditation is to observe your thoughts and use a mantra to focus.
You can meditate in many ways such as guided meditation, visualization and others.

Exercise more, go outside and do yoga (fig.)
Exercise more, go outside and do yoga (fig.)

Consider Lavender Essential Oil

For centuries, lavender essential oil has distinguished itself as a therapeutic essential oil with a range of healing benefits. It is common in many parts of the world.

Many people have used lavender to improve sleep and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. According to researchers consuming about 80mg capsules of lavender oil can relieve stress, sleep disturbances and depression.

This explains why lavender is a popular essential oil used in aromatherapy. The calming effects can help relax your nerves.


Stress and laughter are not on the same level. As a result, it is difficult for the stress hormone to get up when it is happy. This makes laughter an essential stress-reducing tool that can help in many ways.

When you smile, you release tension in different muscle parts in the body. According to research Long-term laughter improves mood and the immune system.

On the basis of research among some cancer patients the laughter intervention program made some groups calmer than the control group, who were simply distracted.

Watching funny videos on YouTube, going out with funny friends, watching an episode of your favorite sitcom, etc. are ways to generate happiness and laughter.

get moving

Training isn't just about giving you torn muscles and helping you lose weight. Mental health also benefits, which translates to less stress. You probably get a series of feel-good hormones during exercise like endorphins† This results in better sleep, reduced depression, higher focus, rest, better energy levels, etc.

Your training does not have to be extensive. If you can subscribe to the gym, go for it. However, just walking, jogging, or brisk walking can help. People whose lifestyle doesn't give them enough exercise can incorporate exercise into their routine. For example, take every opportunity to walk, use the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.


There are different yoga poses and some are specifically aimed at reducing stress. The idea is to reconfigure the breath using the diaphragm so that the user can utilize the full lung capacity.

In addition to breathing, yoga helps people improve their connection with their bodies. This is done by increasing how sensitive they are to different forms of movement. It allows people to exist and be fully aware of the present, aware, mindful and connected.

Specific yoga forms such as forward bending or inversion can also induce calmness. Such poses help to release tension in different parts of the body, releasing negative energy.


Be sure to develop healthy stress management mechanisms to live healthy lives and avoid various aftermaths of too much stress.

This article has explored several habits one can develop to relieve stress and maintain optimal health. These recommendations will not only reduce stress, but also make you feel good.

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