CBD use excluded in the US Navy

by Team Inc.

2019-09-08-CBD use banned from US Navy

The US Navy warns marines not to use CBD or cannabidiol containing products. Despite it being legal under federal law to use CBD.

Last December, Donald Trump signed the Farm Bill, which allows hemp cultivation and the sale of products derived from hemp. Hemp contains a very low dose of THC. The Psychoactive Substance of Cannabis. However, it does contain a lot of cannabidiol (CBD), which is widely used as a pain reliever. CBD is also sold without a prescription in ointments and edibles. Despite this significant change in law, US naval policy remains unadjusted. Products containing CBD, hemp or marijuana remain banned in 'the army'.

Marines drug test

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not test commercially available CBD. The quality therefore varies greatly. The products do not always list all ingredients, making it unclear how much CBD, THC or other synthetic cannabinoids they contain. The consumption of certain products can expose the user to certain amounts of THC, which are easily detected in a urinalysis. As a result, Marines who use CBD may fail a drug test.

Marines who test positive for THC, without a valid prescription, run a high risk of being suspended or fired. The Navy additionally reports illegal users to the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). This can affect the individual's ability to purchase firearms. Each member of the Navy is personally responsible for avoiding exposure to prohibited substances.

The US Coast Guard has recently implemented an even stricter policy regarding the use of marijuana: Commander Admiral Karl Schultz has instructed the coastguard not to even visit marijuana or THC-related items to avoid any contact or association with the substance.

Read more maritime-executive.com (Source, EN)

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