CBD oil for muscle building and recovery

by Team Inc.

2019-08-09-CBD oil for muscle building and recovery

Instagram is full of fitness influencers and bodybuilders who are working hard on the 'perfect' body. But did you know that many fitness athletes also use CBD for muscle building and rapid recovery?

CBD oil is good for muscle growth and bodybuilding, as it relieves inflammation and aids in muscle recovery or pain relief after intense workouts. That makes it easy to increase muscle mass. Of course it is important to get enough rest between workouts. In addition, CBD products help to fall asleep more easily or to get the body into a state of rest. CBD products have a natural chill-out effect without the high of THC. And that is of course good for the recovery of the body.

How does CBD help with muscle recovery?

You may have muscle pain after heavy training and weight lifting. This is caused by microscopic damage to the muscle tissue. Recent studies show that CBD can reduce inflammation after maximum exercise and reduce pain after exercise. In addition, CBD can help regulate catabolic hormones. Catabolic hormones can lead to too much cortisol (stress hormone) in the body, making it more difficult to 'grow' muscle mass.

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Can CBD also help with weight loss?

CBD can aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism and reducing appetite. It also stimulates more "brown fat" in the body. This refers to the type of fat that our body uses for heat energy. Essentially, that's the fat that's pretty healthy and good for us. Results from new studies also suggest that marijuana users weigh less than non-marijuana users.

Marijuana is of course not the same as CBD oil, but CBD is one of the substances present in cannabis. CBD, like THC, will certainly play a role in weight loss, whether due to behavioral factors or chemical factors.

Read more veganliftz.com (Source, And)

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